Golf Fade Vs Draw

Golf Fade Vs Draw - Understanding the art of ball flight is a crucial aspect of mastering the game of golf. Whether you're a seasoned pro, or just starting out, knowing how to hit a draw or a fade can make all the difference in your game. In this post, we'll explore the difference between a fade and a draw, and offer tips and ideas on how to perfect your swing and hit each shot with precision, consistency, and confidence.

Fade vs. Draw: What's the Difference?

Before we start on tips, let's define what a fade and a draw is. A fade is a shot that curves gently from left to right (for right-handed golfers), while a draw is a shot that curves gently from right to left. Both are valuable shots that can help you navigate different obstacles on the golf course, and take advantage of different wind conditions.

Golf ball drawing

The Fade

If you're looking to hit a fade, there are a few key principles you need to keep in mind. First, you'll want to align your shoulders, hips, and feet slightly to the left of your target (again, for right-handed golfers). This open stance will help encourage a fade. Next, you'll want to focus on keeping your clubface open at impact. You can achieve this by slightly rotating your hands counterclockwise on the grip, and/or by keeping your grip a little looser than usual. You'll also want to keep your swing path slightly to the left of your target, which will help create the left-to-right spin you need for a fade.

Golf ball drawing

The Draw

To hit a draw, you'll want to do the opposite of the above. That means aligning your shoulders, hips, and feet slightly to the right of your target. This closed stance will encourage a draw. Next, you'll want to focus on keeping your clubface slightly closed at impact. You can achieve this by slightly rotating your hands clockwise on the grip, and/or by tightening your grip a little. You'll also want to keep your swing path slightly to the right of your target, which will help create the right-to-left spin you need for a draw.

Golf ball drawing

How to Perfect Your Fade and Draw

Now that you understand what a fade and a draw are, and have a basic understanding of how to hit them, let's explore some tips and ideas for perfecting your shot.

Tips for the Fade:

  • Practice on the driving range before trying your fade on the course
  • Start with a wider stance, but make sure to transfer your weight to your front foot during your downswing
  • Focus on keeping your hands and arms relaxed, and your grip loose
  • Visualize your ball flight before each shot, and aim accordingly
  • Use a club with more loft to encourage a higher ball flight and more spin

Tips for the Draw:

  • Start with a narrow stance, and keep your feet close together throughout your swing
  • Focus on keeping your hands and arms tight, and your grip firm
  • Visualize your ball flight before each shot, and aim accordingly
  • Use a club with less loft to encourage a lower ball flight and less spin
  • Practice hitting your draw from different lies and obstacles on the course


Whether you're a seasoned pro, or just starting out, mastering the fade and draw is an essential part of becoming a great golfer. By following the tips and ideas outlined in this post, you'll be able to perfect your shot, and hit each ball with confidence and precision. Remember to keep practicing, keep visualizing, and keep striving to improve your game, and you'll be surprised at how quickly you can see results.

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